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SEGuide 1.2
Zizsoft Ltd
社企指南旨在為人們提供香港的社會企業資訊,並為大家提供最新的社企優惠.社聯 - 滙豐社會企業商務中心中心成立於2008年11月, 是全港首間致力支援及推動社會企業發展的商務中心,由社會福利署攜手扶弱基金及滙豐銀行慈善基金資助成立。中心匯聚政府、商界及社福界三方力量,希望培育及投資富創新意念的社會企業及社會企業家。,什麼是社會企業?不是純粹的企業, 亦不是一般的社會服務, 社會企業透過商業手法運作,賺取利潤用以貢獻社會。它們所得盈餘用於扶助弱勢社群、促進社區發展及社會企業本身的投資。它們重視社會價值,多於追求最大的企業盈利。,聯絡我們社聯 - 滙豐社會企業商務中心電話: 28762491傳真: 28762496電郵: sebc@hkcss.org.hk地址: 香港灣仔軒尼詩道15號溫莎公爵社會服務大廈10樓1002室關於香港社會服務聯會香港社會服務聯會是本港志願社會福利服務機構的統籌及協調組織, 有超過370個機構會員, 透過3,000多個服務單位為全港市民提供社會福利服務。社聯致力推動社會創新, 提升社會服務質素及成效, 並凝聚各界力量,合力建立一個公平公義、仁愛共融的社會。The SEs guide is designedto provide for the people of Hong Kong social enterpriseinformation and latest SEs promotions.HKCSS - HSBC Social Enterprise Business CentreThe Center was established in November 2008, is committed tosupporting and promoting the development of social enterprises inHong Kong's first business center, the establishment of the Fundfor the Disadvantaged and the Hongkong Bank Foundation funded bythe Social Welfare Department (SWD) work. The center bringstogether government, business and the social welfare sectortripartite forces hope to nurture and investment rich innovativeideas of social enterprises and social entrepreneurs. AndWhat is social enterprise?Not purely business, it is not a general social services, socialenterprises, through the operation of the business practices thatmake a profit to contribute to society. Them resulting surplus isused to help the disadvantaged, and to promote communitydevelopment and social enterprise investment. Emphasis on socialvalues ​​rather than the pursuit of the biggest corporate earnings.AndContact UsHKCSS - HSBC Social Enterprise Business CentrePhone: 28762491Fax: 28762496Email: sebc@hkcss.org.hkAddress: Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road,Wanchai, Hong Kong, 10th Floor, Room 1002About the Hong Kong Council of Social ServiceThe Hong Kong Council of Social Service is our voluntary socialwelfare services agency for co-ordinating organization, with morethan 370 institutional members, through 3, more than 000 serviceunits providing social welfare services for the whole community.Council strives to promote social innovation, enhance the qualityand effectiveness of social services, and unite all forces to worktogether to establish a fair justice Renai inclusive society.
迅興信貸 1.0.3
Zizsoft Ltd
迅興信貸HYCredit的應用程式,為客戶提供一個方便、快捷、簡單的貸款申請辦法。客戶只須在應用程式填寫簡單的資料,便可完成申請。同時,客戶亦可選擇即時拍攝或從相簿內上傳有關文件,以便節省貸款批核時間。此外,應用程式簡單易用,讓客戶清楚了解貸款的還款金額及利息。迅興信貸HY Credit亦歡迎不同行業的從業員轉介貸款申請。有興趣的人士可透過應用程式上載他們的名片。迅興信貸HYCredit將有專人聯絡及跟進。
屯門永續旅遊 2.0
Zizsoft Ltd
這個「永續無窮-識買惜食遊屯門」手機應用程式(app)由仁愛堂彩虹社區綜合發展中心和屯門區議會經濟發展工作小組合作,並由屯門區議會贊助,在IOS和Android平台均可使用,同時推出10,000本小冊子,以作不同層面推廣。主題「識買」、「惜食」:「識買」考慮所購物品生產過程對健康和生態的影響,實踐綠色消費;「惜食」珍惜及支持小商店的獨有風味,幫襯是支持好商店的最佳方式。本書/ app有以下特色:1.推介12條特色半日遊路線,包含不同玩食買景點2.包括交通指示,便利區內、外遊客3. app可持續更新,歡迎各位報料4. app會推出不同消費優惠,密切留意無論你是否屯門人,也一起來體驗「一書在手/ 一機在手,識買惜食遊屯門」的好滋味吧!關鍵字: 屯門,永續,旅遊,彩虹,仁愛堂,屯門區議會,綠色,永續無窮,識買惜食遊屯門
iDimsumHK 1.5
Zizsoft Ltd
iDimsum HK Mobile Application backgroundiDimsumHK整合香港設計和廣告供應商資源,使香港和海外用家更方便獲取供應商資訊並可直接聯絡各服務供應商,提升營商效率。主要內容包括:1. 全面的服務供應商目錄-列出本地服務供應商的詳細資料2. 個案示例-集合業內優秀數碼營銷/互動廣告個案,供用家和業內人士參考3. 精選個案-精選數碼營銷/互動廣告個案詳細剖析-數碼營銷和市場推廣秘訣請立即下載iDimsum HKiDimsum HK 由獲創意香港(CreateHK)的「創意智優計劃」贊助。支援Android 2.3或以上版本iDimsum HK integrate information on Hong Kong’s design andadvertising resources for interactive digital marketing, so thatlocal and overseas users can easily search service providers andcontact them directly to meet their marketing needs. The maincontent includes:1. Comprehensive Service Providers Directory- Detailed listings and information of the local serviceproviders2. Portfolio Display- Consolidated portfolio of the industry’s impressive digitalmarketing/interactive advertising cases, for users and industrypractitioners as a reference3. Featured Case Studies- Detailed analysis of the featured digital marketing orinteractive advertising cases- Digital marketing and advertising tipsWelcome to download iDimsum HKiDimsum HK is sponsored by the CreateSmart Initiative of CreateHong Kong (CreateHK)Support Android 2.3 or above
積學儲寶競賽 1.0
Zizsoft Ltd
這個軟件的設計目的,是以林大輝中學的中文科初中校本課程設計簡單易玩、富挑戰性的選擇題競賽遊戲,來豐富同學的中國文學、語文、文言知識和人倫觀念,以及打好應付公開考試的知識基礎。我們也希望普羅市民能透過這個選擇題競賽遊戲,和林大輝中學的師生家長一起,在電子遊戲中體味中華民族優秀的、深厚的文化,積學儲寶,豐富人生。學界同工/同學如有興趣試用或交流,歡迎聯絡湛婉媚老師代為安排(chamym@ltfc.edu.hk)keywords:電子學習、中文電子學習、林大輝中學、初中校本課程、唐詩、宋詞、元曲、論語、世說新語、中國語文、文憑試、積學儲寶、中文選擇題、中國文學知識、語文知識、文言知識、人倫觀念、競賽榜。This software isdesigned, based on Lam Tai Fai College of Chinese LanguageSchool-based curriculum designed to be simple and easy to play,challenging racing game of choice, to enrich the students ofChinese literature, language, classical concepts of knowledge andhuman relations, as well as lay cope public examinations knowledgebase. We also hope that the general public can race through thismultiple choice game, and Lam Tai Fai College teachers and studentswith their parents, in the electronic game savor fine Chinese,profound culture, science Chubao plot, rich life.Academic co-workers / students who are interested in the trial orexchange, please contact Patricia teachers arrange Cham (chamym@ltfc.edu.hk)keywords: e-learning, e-learning Chinese, fai school, juniorhigh school-based curriculum, Tang, Song, Yuan, The Analects ofConfucius, Yu, Chinese Language, Diploma trial, Jaeger learn ChuPo, Chinese choice, Chinese literary knowledge, language knowledgeof classical knowledge, the concept of human relations, competitionstandings.
Save pig 1.0
Zizsoft Ltd
With around 1 billion individuals alive atanytime, the domesticated pig is one of the most numerouslargemammals on the planet. And there is one in danger and you willhelpto save it.
Crazy Maths 4
Zizsoft Ltd
If you are good at maths, try this game andiam sure you will go nuts.
Balloon Card 1.6.4
Zizsoft Ltd
Balloon Card, a new mobile loyaltyprogrammefor users to get rewards by simply scanning with theirmobiledevices or printed cards.Just 3 easy steps to get store's rewards, how difficult woulditbe?Scan in --> Earn Point --> Get RewardsApplication Features:1. To find out the closest stores which are using ballooncardservcies, also to show the latest promotions or rewards2. To check your reward points in different stores and thepreviousscanning detailskeywords:ballooncard, balloon, balloon.card, balloonshop, 波波卡, coupon,jetso,deal, 積分卡, ballballcard, balloon card